Gennifer Richie’s family moved to New Cumberland a few months before she was born. She recalls a childhood of running around town with neighborhood friends from dawn until dusk (or later). “As long as we were in earshot of our mothers’ beckoning calls at dinner time, we were good!” she laughs.

Twenty-four years ago, Gen started Odessa Design, a strategic marketing and graphic design business, in her home. In 2016, she purchased property and moved her business to Bridge Street.
“We invest in our clients’ success, knowing that when they succeed, we do, too,” Gen says. “I’ve had career opportunities that would have taken me to other parts of the state, but in the end, I always chose to stay in New Cumberland. It’s home.”
Gen always welcomes the opportunity to show off her hometown, especially Borough Park and a great meal at Nick’s 114. If the timing was right, she would take guests to a Bridge Street parade, the Apple Festival, or a summertime movie in the park. “And I cannot wait to see a movie or theatre production in the restored West Shore Theatre!” she adds.
Gennifer Richie
Odessa Design, Inc.